In everything we do, there
is a keyword we always
have in mind: responsibility.
Sustainability is a never-ending journey
So we constantly explore new ways through which we can further elevate our commitments across every aspect of our company, always keeping an eye on the future.
In order to keep track and update our goals and roadmaps, we have our ESG parameters assessed yearly by an independent external provider and we publish a sustainability report on a regular basis, aware of the importance of transparency for our stakeholders and shareholders.
Stakeholders and patients
We always have patients in mind and ensure that everything we do can improve their lives.
We know that we could not achieve this without the help of our partners and stakeholders, with whom we continuously build and strengthen long-term relationships.

Are our biggest asset and the foundation of our success.
Our people
We want our colleagues to be engaged, inspired and motivated by shared values and ambitions, where diversity of background and culture never represents a hurdle but an added value.
In placing value on people, Sintetica sees the expression and foundation of its own culture and identity. Learn more about People Care.
From the very beginning, Sintetica has wanted to be an active and positive member of the community supporting a wide range of social and cultural initiatives.
Particular attention is given to those forms of aid that are relevant to our sector.
The provision of injectable drugs free of charge is considered a form of high value-added support for humanitarian aid organizations with which Sintetica cooperates.
We want to do our best to preserve the planet by minimizing the impacts of our activities, involving all our partners and suppliers in this virtuous cycle.
reduce our environmental impact
reduce our environmental impact ⎯
reduce our CO2 emissions
reduce our CO2 emissions ⎯
use renewable energy
use renewable energy ⎯
Our footprint
Solar panels
kWh energy production in a year
Innovative heat recovery system at the Couvet (NE) production site
Further significant steps
Every small contribution is significant when the final goal is the preservation of our planet. For this reason, besides the measures we implement at industrial level, we encourage numerous other environmentally friendly practices.
We promote employees carpooling and slow mobility through financial incentives and contribute to the cost of train passes.
In our HQ in Mendrisio, electric car charging stations are available for free and e-bikes can be used for short transfers.
When possible, we choose the train for business trips, we rely on locally sourced services and products for our events, promoting a plastic free policy.
Our constant commitment has been recognized and certified by:
We have voluntarily joined the Swiss Energy Agency’s program with a commitment to reduce CO2 emissions and optimize energy efficiency.
The cardboard packaging of our products is provided by suppliers that obtained the FSC certification.
We purchase energy from the grid that is 100% certified as coming from renewable sources.
We signed the “Charta della sicurezza” as a further concrete sign that the safety of our workers is our absolute priority.